Chinese Qipao Event
Tue, Dec 05
DATE: Tuesday, December 5 TIME: 10:15 AM Registration, 10:30 AM to 12 PM COST: RMB 350 (includes tea and snacks) VENUE: Wolee 25 Xin Le Rd.

Time & Location
Dec 05, 2023, 10:15 AM – 12:00 PM
About the Event
Qipao, widely recognized for its elegant silhouette and timeless charm, encapsulates a rich history and cultural significance that has traversed through centuries. Join us as we learn about the history and significance behind this iconic dress and its development throughout Chinese history. With our guide, Janny Chyn from Shanghai Pathways, and local qipao designer Eva, we will explore qipao designs, fabrics, and embellishments. Get tips and suggestions from qipao insiders on how to tailor and understand the quality and difference in materials used in creating this beautiful dress. At this event, you will also have the opportunity to try on a qipao!
Tuesday, December 5
10:15 AM Registration, 10:30 AM to 12 PM
RMB 350 (includes tea and snacks)
25 Xin Le Rd.
(metro lines 1,10, or 12 to South Shanxi Road station, exit 2)
新乐路 25 号
Please complete the online registration by December 1. The event costs must be paid in cash only. SEA coordinator is Amy Feldman, WeChat: ExpatAmy, mobile: 18321025673.
Cancellation Policy
If you are unable to attend the event after receipt of confirmation, please notify us immediately by emailing If it's the day of the event, please ALSO notify the coordinator listed on the event by phone, text or WeChat.
If you need to cancel after December 1 our SEA cancellation policy applies which states you might still have to pay for your registered event, depending on the vendor. SEA will notify you to either collect or let you pay it at your next registered event.