Hairy Crab Feast Tour
Sun, Nov 08
COST: RMB 505 MEET: 1105 Xizang Rd. (S), near Lujiabang Rd. (metro line 8 or 9 to Lujiabang Road station, exit 2)

Time & Location
Nov 08, 2020, 6:15 PM – 9:30 PM
About the Event
Discover the delicious reasons why China goes crazy for these crabs every fall! We’ll head to Old Town to sample xiefen xiaolongbao (crab roe soup dumplings) and whole hairy crabs as well as other crab dishes and local specialties. We will wash it all down with a tasting of huangjiu -- China’s answer to brandy – which Traditional Chinese Medicine doctors and sommeliers both agree pairs perfectly with hairy crab.
Eating a hairy crab requires special knowledge – you can’t just crack into these delicacies willy nilly! We will learn the secrets to eating crab – from which parts to avoid to how to get the most meat out of the shell. This tour also includes a recipe for you to try at home.
Sunday, November 8
6:15 PM Registration, 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
RMB 505
1105 Xizang Rd. (S), near Lujiabang Rd.
(metro line 8 or 9 to Lujiabang Road station, exit 2)
END: Laoximen Metro Station, exit 7 (this station is on lines 8 and 10)
Please complete the online registration by November 3. The event costs must be paid in cash only. SEA coordinator is SuMei Chan, WeChat: sucakes21.
Cancellation Policy
If you are unable to attend an event after receipt of confirmation, please notify us immediately by emailing If it's the day of an event, please ALSO notify the coordinator listed on the event by phone, text, or WeChat.
If you need to cancel after November 3, our SEA cancellation policy applies which states you might still have to pay for your registered event, depending on the vendor. SEA will contact you to collect the fee for the missed event.