Taipingqiao – Between Heaven and Hell
Thu, Nov 19
COST: RMB 200 MEET: Starbucks Coffee Shop, Xintiandi 181 Taicang Rd., at Madang Rd. (metro line 10 to Xintiandi station, exit 1 or 6)

Time & Location
Nov 19, 2020, 1:45 PM – 4:00 PM
About the Event
This area has been rapidly changing over the past 15 years and eventually nearly all the original buildings will vanish. And while Xintiandi shows the cultural mix between China and the West as well as old and new in an artificial way, the real treasure is a few blocks away.
Carolin Billetter from Shanghai-Art-Walks will lead us through the jungle of a still-kept secret in downtown Shanghai. Diving into Chinese life near the new world, we will discover a typical lifestyle in these endemic Shanghainese alleyways and see the real beauty of Shanghai.
Thursday, November 19
1:45 PM Registration, 2 PM to 4 PM
RMB 200
Starbucks Coffee Shop, Xintiandi
181 Taicang Rd., at Madang Rd.
(metro line 10 to Xintiandi station, exit 1 or 6)
卢湾区太仓路181弄新天地北里18号, 近马当路
Starbucks Coffee Shop, Xintiandi
181 Taicang Rd., at Madang Rd.
(metro line 10 to Xintiandi station, exit 1 or 6)
卢湾区太仓路181弄新天地北里18号, 近马当路
Please complete the online registration by November 12. The event costs must be paid in cash only. SEA coordinator is Valerie Wu, WeChat: valerie6930.
Cancellation Policy
If you are unable to attend the event after receipt of confirmation, please notify us immediately by emailing events@seashanghai.org. If it's the day of the event, please ALSO notify the coordinator listed on the event by phone, text, or WeChat.
If you need to cancel after November 12, our SEA cancellation policy applies which states you might still have to pay for your registered event, depending on the vendor. SEA will contact you to collect the fee for the missed event.