Volunteer with Us
SEA is run entirely by volunteers, and we are always looking for new people to help. Any members who are interested in volunteering can contact SEA@shanghaisea.com.
SEA is comprised of the following committees:
Day Trips: they typically plan two trips per month in and around Shanghai.
Hospitality: they are responsible for coordinating monthly coffee mornings and working with the vendors who display at some of these events.
Luncheons: they typically plan one lunch per month at great restaurants around Shanghai, in addition to other special events such as the holiday party, end-of-year party, and welcome back event.
Membership: they are responsible for signing up new members, and handling renewals.
Welcome Chat: they plan a reception each month to help welcome new members and people who are new to Shanghai.
Small Groups: they coordinate a variety of groups, such as weekly mahjong and biking trips around the city.
Special Events: they plan events around Shanghai, such as cooking classes, crafting classes, and visits to museums.
Travel: they plan 6-9 trips per year to places such as Harbin, Guilin, and Yangzhou.
Advertising: they work with local vendors to obtain discounts for our members.
Communications: they work on creating, editing, and designing content for SEA's website, newsletters, and flyers.
Currently, we are especially looking to fill the following volunteer positions:
​​Membership Co-Chair​
Event and Day Trip Coordinators
Communications Committee: Graphic Designers, Website administration, Editors, & Writers